Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Changing Practice - Better Business, Better Social Responsibility

Initially I was taken aback. Then I thought: terrific!

The co-owners of the South Sydney Rabbitohs team, Russell Crowe and Peter Holmes a Court, are dumping the club's 160 poker machines in their current refurbishment. They consider it good business even though on paper they will be at a financial loss. The Salvation Army, amongst others, have rushed to congratulate this move labeled in some quarters as courageous.

What I so welcomed was Mr Holmes a Court's comment that they realised most monies taken in from the poker machine trade come from welfare recipients. From

"What we are saying is it's better business.

"Frankly, not a lot of my friends want to go out and have a cold beer and watch someone go past who has just seen their last dollar go into a machine.

"That beer tastes a bit bitter; that's not a good night out."

Mr Holmes a Court said pokies were not in line with his club's goals for improving its community."
Social responsibility and turning new corners. Well done. I'll join the club.

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